It’s been quite a journey for me to shoot 6×6. My first Hasselblad just didn’t want to be friends with me no matter how hard I tried to woo it. It was actually my dream Hasselblad, a 501cm. True to from, I did what I needed to do… I sent the 501cm back and crazily purchased a second camera the same day haha! This time it was an absolutely mint 503cw. Yep, I wanted to shoot 6×6 really badly and it just had to be on a Hasselblad. It’s first few outings were with Tri-X 400 and my kids in a variety of light. I was hooked from the start. The square format is something I am really drawn to. I’ve been shooting a lot of square stuff on my x100s so I had a good idea of what kind of look I was going for.

Soon after, I was off on an east coast tour to shoot a couple of weddings way up north so I took the camera with me with the aim to shoot a ton of Portra 400. As usual, I didn’t get to shoot a ton of film as it was an insane schedule but I can safely say I love everything about this camera. Mostly I like that it is functional! I think this is definitely going to be my new medium format travel camera (that is until I can get my hands on a Makina 67). I had it in some pretty crazy weather and it held up great. It’s a pretty light camera and I found it really easy to take with me pretty much everywhere. I’m excited to start using it on some interesting projects I have coming up. Here are a few of my favourite frames from our trip and this beautiful cameras maiden colour voyage. All pictures were developed and scanned by Richard Photo Lab in the USA.

Hasselblad 503cw / Portra 400